
Welcome to the membership application page

You've chosen to join us. Congratulations to you!

Fill in the form below and you will have access to our application

Your data

Account number

Personal access
  • Legislation
  • Terminology
  • Generic scenarios
  • Technical data sheets

€250 per year, excluding VAT


Just to have a look
  • Low price (€50 per year, excluding VAT) refunded if you switch to a subscription package (minimum quarterly)

  • Reference price

  • 5% discount on the monthly price

  • 10% discount on the monthly price

By clicking on "send"

  • You will receive a summary of your order.
  • You will be asked to confirm your order and an invoice will be sent to you.
  • You will also receive a password that will enable you to prepare your work within your company (presentations, working methods, methods, etc.).
  • We will activate your access as soon as we receive the invoice amount. In the meantime, and if necessary, we can exchange the information needed to prepare your platform.

Any hesitation?

Thank you for your confidence