
General data protection (RGPD)

Personal data protection is an important topic for any business that collects, uses or stores personal data from its customers or users.

Collection of personal data

The company collects personal data from users as part of the provision of its services. The personal data collected is as follows:

  • first name and surname
  • email address
  • postal address
  • phone number
  • country
  • language
  • communication preferences
  • and any other information users voluntarily provide.

Use of personal data

Personal data collected by the company is used in connection with the provision of its services. The company may also use personal data to communicate with users, to provide them with monthly information about the services offered and to improve the quality of its services.

Protection of personal data

The company implements appropriate security measures to protect personal data collected from loss, destruction, alteration, unauthorised disclosure or unauthorised access.

Sharing of personal data

The company does not share users' personal data with third parties, except where necessary to provide the services or where required to do so by law.

User rights

Users have the right to access, rectify, delete or limit the processing of their personal data. They may also object to the processing of their personal data or request the portability of their personal data. Users may exercise their rights by contacting the company by e-mail at the address indicated on the website.

Personal data retention period

The company retains users' personal data for as long as is necessary to provide the services, in accordance with applicable law.

Cookies and similar technologies

The company does not use cookies or similar technologies to improve the user experience, nor to collect statistical data on the use of its services.

Changes to the personal data protection policy

The company reserves the right to modify this personal data protection policy at any time. Users will be informed of important changes by e-mail or via the company's website.

By using the company's services, users acknowledge that they have read and accepted this personal data protection policy.